The Pomodoro Technique and its Use to Increase Productivity
Completing work tasks or daily routine is usually a constant challenge, especially when we do not have the motivation or desire to do so. We typically get up, having in mind all the work of the day. Still, at the time of execution, we do not find a way to maximize our productivity. However, this has been a phenomenon studied for a long time, and there are many techniques related to the productivity of the human being. One of those techniques is the Pomodoro Technique. If you had not heard it before, you are possibly asking yourself the following questions: What is the Pomodoro Technique? How can I use it?…
Learning theories: Definition and characteristics every educator should know.
The educational field has been the subject of study for many theorists over the years. Consequently, many educational theories have emerged from these investigations since the early twentieth century. These theories address issues related to the definition of learning, the existing types, influence factors, and even learning styles. For this reason, before beginning to describe the different learning theories that exist, it is important to define two concepts: learning and learning theory. LEARNING Learning is a continuous and natural process to which the human being is exposed every day of his/her life. This concept is defined by the lasting acquisition of knowledge, behaviors, skills, or abilities through practice, study, or…
What are Learning Styles? | 14 Learning Styles and their Characteristics
Learning is a concept we are exposed since our childhood; it is a natural and continuous process throughout our lives. Since we are born, we are responding to stimuli and always learning day by day. Consequently, each of us decides how to carry out this process. But, have you ever wondered: Do all people learn in the same way? , Will it be as straightforward or as complicated to learn about a subject or skill for other people? The answers to these questions are summarized in that there are different learning styles. So, we can say that not all people learn in the same way. However, to understand the different learning styles, it…
What is Learning? and Which are the 15 Learning Types?
At the beginning of each school year, I ask students what comes to their mind when I mention learning as a concept. The reality is that no matter the age difference between the groups, the answers are always the same or very similar. When mentioning the concept of learning to students, they connect it with words such as intelligence, knowledge, school, reading, teachers, and the internet. All these words are related since they are part of our daily life, turning to learn into a continuous and life process. So, considering this we usually ask the following questions: What is learning? And is there more types of learning? Next, the answers…
48 Classroom Activities for the development of Multiple Intelligences
Developing students’ multiple intelligences in the classroom can be a complicated task when planning courses. In the same way, meeting the needs of all students during daily lessons is an even more significant challenge. However, through the use of different activities, the development of students’ intelligences can be promoted, while meeting the objectives of the lesson. On behalf of this, we can introduce the Theory of Multiple Intelligences as a compliment and help when planning our courses. The theory was developed by Harvard University psychologist Howard Gardner. It proposes the existence of eight types of intelligences in the human being and the capacity we all have for their development, which allows us to…
What are Multiple Intelligences?
The meaning of the concept of intelligence has been in debate since the 19th century. Over time, it has varied, depending on the social, scientific and cultural changes that make up the history of the world as we know it nowadays. However, it was not until 1900, in Paris, France, that scientists Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon responded to a petition from the French Ministry of Education. This request consisted of developing a test, whose primary purpose was to give a prediction about which children would succeed and in turn, which would not, in the primary grades of the Parisian schools. Out of this grounding emerged what we know today…