What are Learning Styles? | 14 Learning Styles and their Characteristics
Learning is a concept we are exposed since our childhood; it is a natural and continuous process throughout our lives. Since we are born, we are responding to stimuli and always learning day by day. Consequently, each of us decides how to carry out this process. But, have you ever wondered: Do all people learn in the same way? , Will it be as straightforward or as complicated to learn about a subject or skill for other people?
The answers to these questions are summarized in that there are different learning styles. So, we can say that not all people learn in the same way. However, to understand the different learning styles, it is necessary to know what the learning styles are and what types exist — next, the answers to these questions.
According to educational theorists Rita and Kenneth Dunn, learning styles are the way each learner begins to focus on the process of absorbing and retaining new and challenging information. In other words, they are the different strategies we use to learn more comfortable and faster.
Different theorists have studied learning styles, and their studies have developed different learning styles models. Below are some of the best-known learning style models.
The American educational theorist David A. Kolb developed his Experimental Learning model in which he proposes to learn something, the information obtained must be processed. Depending on the model, this is achieved through the following learning styles:
1. Theoretical (Assimilator)
Students are characterized by being rational, objective, and analytical. They are usually interested in abstract theories and ideas. Learning is obtained by following detailed instructions.
2. Pragmatic (Accommodator)
Students are characterized by being experimental and by basing their learning on the verification of ideas. They enjoy the development of experiments and learn best when they relate theory to practice and by observing other people.
3. Reflective (Divergent)
Students are characterized by observing, analyzing, and reflecting on each content they learn. They are usually emotional and creative. They see and analyze the data from all angles, so they can reach conclusions that seem more assertive and with better results.
4. Active (Convergent)
Students tend to have the initiative to learn and are not afraid to obtain new knowledge. They perform better in solving or responding to problems. They prefer to learn by rehearsing and working with other people.
In the same way, educational theorists Rita and Kenneth Dunn, in their Theory of Learning Models, proposed five learning styles based on student preferences. These are:
5. Environmental
It is defined by the preference of students to certain types of sounds, light tones, temperature, and design of their environment. The motivation to learn will depend on the environment in which the students are.
6. Emotional
Learning will be obtained by having in mind students’ emotional preferences related to motivation, will, and responsibility. Students decide if they want to learn for themselves or be guided by others. They determine if they’re going to learn under pressure, motivated, or relaxed.
7. Sociological
Students decide if they prefer to learn individually, in groups, as a couple or with adults. This decision will depend on their personality.
8. Physiological
Students learn based on their physiological preferences related to time, mobility, and perception. Learning happens when they take breaks. Four senses are mostly used: sight, touch, taste, and hearing.
9. Psychological
Students use their personality to solve a problem. The problem resolution is their motivation. This style is based on the personality of the student; it can be analytical, impulsive, reflective, or by cerebral dominance.
Other theorists agree with the existence of more learning styles. Among these we can find the following:
10. Kinesthetic
It is characterized by the preference for interacting with the content and putting the theory into practice. Students learn by doing, building, manipulating, and playing. They prefer experiments, laboratories, drawings, and fieldwork.

11. Visual
The presentation of information through visual representations, diagrams, maps, videos, or images is preferred. Students learn content better when it is presented visually. In the same way, they tend to demonstrate their knowledge through drawings or symbols.
12. Auditory
Students prefer to receive information orally to speak and explain it to another person. Students learn best by listening. They prefer the use of debates, audios, podcasts, and radio to obtain the content. This style is essential in learning languages and music.
13. Verbal (Reading and Writing)
Students learn best by reading or writing. It is easy for them to get information through lists, books, and texts. They like to take notes to word for word. It is important to note that this skill is essential in the learning process.
14. Multimodal
The multimodal is the most common learning style in human beings because it combines all the previous ones. However, students may have preferences between one or two of them.
Having in mind the learning styles presented, we cannot ignore their relationship with Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences. Gardner proposes that every human being has eight intelligences. The development of these will depend on the cultural and environmental exposure the individual has. We can intertwine learning styles with this theory to understand how our brain learns and how we can obtain meaningful learning. We invite you to discover how you can develop your eight intelligences and how you learn best through our FREE Mini-Course 8 Ways of Learning.
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Cisneros Verdeja, A. (2004). Manual de estilos de aprendizaje.
Dunn, R. & Dunn, K. (1979).Learning Style/ Teaching Style: Should They…Could They… Be Matched?. Educational Leadership.
Estilos de aprendizaje: clasificación sensorial y propuesta de Kolb | UNIR. (2017). Recuperado 25 septiembre 2019, de https://www.unir.net/educacion/revista/noticias/estilos-de-aprendizaje-clasificacion-sensorial-y-propuesta-de-kolb/549201749973/
Rodríguez, A. G., & Caro, E. M. (2003). Estilos de aprendizaje y e-learning. Hacia un mayor rendimiento académico. Revista de educación a distancia, (7).