• grounding on sand

    Connecting with Reality: A Deep Look at Grounding Skills  

    In fast-paced everyday life, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by stress and anxiety. The mind tends to wander between future worries and past regrets, disconnecting us from the rich experience of the present moment. In this context, grounding skills are a valuable tool to restore our emotional and mental balance. In this blog, we will explore these skills, how they work, their impact on mental health, and how we can incorporate them into our daily lives. Defining Grounding Skills: Grounding skills are techniques designed to help us consciously connect with the present rather than getting caught up in anxious thoughts or painful memories. These skills are rooted in cognitive behavioral…

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    Executive Functions: What are they, and how to develop them?

    Executive functions are a set of higher cognitive abilities that allow us to plan, organize, regulate our emotions and behaviors, make decisions, solve problems, and stay focused on a given task. These functions are essential for development and success in multiple areas of life, both in school, work, and social settings. In this blog, we will explore in depth what they are, their importance, and how we can empower them. What are executive functions? Executive functions are a set of mental abilities that allow us to control, regulate, and direct our cognitive and behavioral processes. These functions are primarily associated with the prefrontal cortex of the brain and are interrelated…

  • baby and dad reading

    Reading: learning phases, benefits, and activities for its development

    Reading and writing processes are developed from the first years of children’s lives. They are processes that become more complicated as the child grows and require the performance of various parts of his brain. These communicative processes allow the child to express what he thinks, feels, and wishes and transform himself and his social and cultural environment significantly. Reading is a slow and progressive construction process requiring respectful and configured educational intervention. We are not going to expect students to learn what they have not been taught, nor are we going to expect them to know it once and for all. The reading represents a means for learning, the development…